Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live in a lighthouse??? What if that lighthouse was 9 stories of pure design perfection...
We are always looking for the next unique project and this might be the most unique of all. No it is not in Hawaii this time, or Texas or Nevada or Montana but In Washington, right on the coast.

Our client has some property North of Ocean park. On this property there are a variety of structures, from tree houses to fire breathing dragons. There are a number of other buildings on the property but towering above them all is a 9 story Lighthouse that is designed as living quarters. The first two floors are the common areas with game rooms and kitchens but as you ascend the structure you will find 7 incredibly designed, intricate master suites. Each boasting with its own style of stone and tile. We are thrilled to be a part of this project for the next month or so and look forward to the completion.
Look for continuing posts about the project and the progression. I plan to show many of the things, not just our tile and stone work but all the interesting elements that make this lighthouse unlike any other in the world. By the time this is done, I think boats will be running aground intentionally.
Well have to run, tomorrow the day begins with a flight out a two hour drive and then right into the walk through with the tile boys and the designer. I am bringing my wife along this time for some R&R. Should be great, the tile work is 50% complete on phase one and now we get to the detailed stuff. The weather is 60 degrees and the ocean is out my window so it definitely could be a worse day of work.

This is a spectacular building! Can't wait to see other pics... :)
This is a spectacular building. Can't wait to see more pics... :)
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