
Friday, July 15, 2011

Giveaway #3! Terafroma Whiskey Stones

This winner of the Rock Doctor cleaner is...
#13 Liz!  She's even from Utah!  We love our Utah readers.  :)

Thanks for everyone who entered.

We are doing a Giveaway every Friday in July, so.... on to Giveaway #3!
This week we are giving away a set of Teraforma Whiskey Stones!
I have a set and I have to say I quite enjoy them.

This giveaway is open to our Google Followers only!  So if you aren't a follower you should become one.  :)
Just leave me a comment here letting me know you are a follower.
For an extra entry if you talk about the Giveaway on your blog leave a second comment letting me know you did so.

Good luck!  I'll announce the winner next Friday along with Giveaway #4!


  1. I'm a google follower. The rocks are cool, crossing my fingers.

    Thanks for all the great ideas you post.

  2. I'm a follower! Love your blog!!!
    These whisky stones look awesome. Thanks for all the great giveaways!

  3. I just posted about it on my blog too.

  4. I'm a google follower too! These stones are beyond neat & would be useful in Texas, where everything melts really fast.

  5. Of course I'm a follower!
    I'm loving all your giveaways!!! :)

  6. Of course I'm a follower!

  7. I'd love these whiskey stones. Especailly this time of the year! lol.
    I'm a follower.

  8. I've been wanting to buy these! I'm not a follower because I don't have a gmail account, but I did blog about it today.

  9. Here's to hoping I win!
    I'm a follower.

  10. I hope I win, I hope I win, I hope I win. :)

  11. Pick me!
    I'm a follower!


Thanks for taking the time to comment, we love hearing from our readers!