
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Designer Spotlight: Architect Joseph Dirand

Joseph Dirand is an Architect in Paris, I'm completely obsessed with his work.  Someday when I'm rich I'll be hiring him to design my dream home.
His style isn't for everyone, it's very sleek and monochromatic.  I personally adore it.  He uses stone in amazing ways and that, my friends, is something that always wins me over.
Here are a few of my favorite images from his portfolio.

To see more of his work you can go to his website here.
Also, there was a good interview with him on A Shaded View on Fashion, you can read it here.  My favorite line from the interview is the last line.  She had asked him with all of the work that he has going on how does he manage his time and have any time to sleep, to which he replies, "It is only when I don't have enough work that I cannot sleep."

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