
Saturday, May 26, 2012

Saturday Link Up!

Where did May go?!?  I can't believe it's already Memorial weekend.  I hope you are all enjoying your long weekend.  I'm so happy summer is here.  :)
I have a few things I wanted to link up today...

I just heard about the greatest new website, Cultivate.  It's all about kitchen design...what could be better?  :)
Designed By: Kristin Petro.  Photo: Cultivate.
Kitchen Designer, Susan Serra, has a great article on the blog, The Daily Basics, called Kitchen Trends- Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow.  If you are going to be remodeling or building a new kitchen anytime soon this is a must read.
Photo: The Daily Basics
If your job is in the creative field I think this short video by Ira Glass is so great and inspiring...

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